Frank Massey & Son Ltd

Independent Family Funeral Directors
Established 1903
Disbursements are essentially fees that we pay out on behalf of the family, ie Doctor's Fees where appropriate, Cremation/Cemetery Fees and Parochial Fees etc. Our written estimate will detail the approximate cost of any disbursements. However you will appreciate that we will have no direct control over these charges, and they could therefore be subject to slight variations. These costs can be settled by one single payment, rather than by many different bills to be settled by the estate.​
Help with funeral costs
The following information should be treated as general guidance. We are not able to guarantee the availability for a loan, but we do understand how the DWP makes a decision.
Who is entitled to help
If there is not enough money to pay for the funeral and you are responsible for making the funeral arrangements you may be able to get a social fund funeral payment to help you with the cost. To qualify you or your partner must be in receipt of a qualifying benefit. Claim packs are available from your local social security office.
Check what amount of money is available from:-
The estate of the person who has died, such as money from bank or building society accounts
Any insurance policies or charities, lump sum payments made by a pension scheme or relatives, (either yours or those of the person who has died).
Any savings you have in a bank or building society, National Savings (including certificates or premium bonds) or in cash at home.
The savings may be in your name or in the name of your partner.
The Bereavement payment does not count as savings.
The social fund may make a contribution towards the cost of a simple funeral within the United Kingdom. This includes;
Bringing the body home if the person died away from home but within the United Kingdom.
The Death Certificate
A standard coffin
Hearse for the coffin and bearers
Flowers from the person who is arranging the funeral
Contribution towards fees of the funeral director
Cemetery fee or Cremation fee​